The starfish sexual position is one of the most pleasurable positions for lovers. This position is performed with the man on his back, his legs wide apart.

The Starfish Sexual Position
The Starfish Sexual Position

The woman sits between his legs and plants her palms on the bed underneath his ankles. She then gently leans back, revealing her bare chest to her lover.

‘Riding high’ variant

A riding high sexual position is one variation of the starfish position. This position involves lying on a man’s back and exposing his penis in a high-level position. This allows the woman to easily reach the man’s shaft and frenulum, the most sensitive part of his penis. The man should also have his legs spread, allowing her to reach his belly and pubic bone.


The Starfish position is a classic partner position that allows you to explore a wide variety of pleasures and sensations. It is a position of relaxation and indulgence, and allows the bottom partner to feel desired and dominated. In order to make this position more effective, it’s important to remember to maintain boundaries and a safe word, while giving in to your partner’s desires.

To start, the Starfish position requires a lot of space. You can use the floor, a couch, or even the back of a car. The only drawback to this position is that it doesn’t provide much clitoral contact, but is still very effective for stimulating the g-spot. This position is best used with an aroused partner and requires the legs to be raised slightly, to allow both parties to enjoy the sensation.

The Starfish position is a favorite among women who love skin-on-skin contact. It also allows for greater stillness. As such, this position makes for great intimacy.


Dragonflies mate in a variety of different ways. For example, the male dragonfly uses his anal appendages to grasp the female dragonfly’s thorax. He then uses his body and legs to pull her forward, grasping her by the neck. Once in position, the male dragonfly extends its body and legs to fly in tandem with her.

While most species of dragonflies and damselflies mate in the water, some species mate in locations away from the water. Male dragonflies will grab the female from behind and try to clasp her with their terminal appendages. Dragonflies have two cerci on each side of their head and an epiproct on their upper body.

Female dragonflies also have an ocellus, which is an area near the top of the abdomen that contains their three tiny, simple eyes. Dragonflies can also detect light by using these eyes. In addition, they have two small antennae that are attached to their head. Their prothorax, which functions as a neck, connects the head to the first pair of legs. This connection is quite narrow, so the head can move independently from the prothorax.