In the late 90s, a new subset of the Furry fandom emerged, referred to as "sexual Furries." These individuals dress up in...
Sexuality is a human experience and includes erotic, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual feelings. The experience of sexuality is a complex concept,...
There are many different types of sexual massage. From Yoni massage to Tantra massage, there are many different ways to engage in...
A sexual game is one that allows you to play with your partner while he or she is distracted. It may be...
There are a few traits that you can look for in a sexual offender. The first trait is the Predisposed type. This...
If you're looking for a new partner, you can try Meetville and eHarmony. You can also check out dog parks and yoga...
If you're interested in dating a bi curious woman, there are some things you should know. First, this type of woman is...
When a woman feels the need to choose between two women, she is most likely ready for a more serious relationship. Whether...
If you're looking for a dating site that focuses on friends with benefits (FWB), you've come to the right place. You can...
One of the most important essential dating tips for lesbians is to be confident. You may not be confident enough to approach...